Thursday, July 10, 2008

My First Crush

As I sit here in Muddy Waters trying to work on my paper, that is way past due, I am thinking about my first crush.  The first real girl I had a crush on was named Tammy, but before that it had to be Sandie and Denise. 

Denise was always my favorite female Huxtable.  She was cute and funky, and a bit of a trouble maker.  And those braces, well I always had crushes on girls with braces.  I used to look forward to Thursday nights and watching the Cosby's.

When we got our first VHS player, we had a limited movie library.  One of the few videos we had was Grease, and goddamn Sandie was a babe!  The goody goody Sandie was cute, but I'm talking about the other Sandie.  The SAndie that changed to get the boy.  I always loved the ending when she comes out in a skin tight black leotard, black leather jacket, smoking a cigarette with a real attitude.  I mean, look at that picture!!  What a fox!  I still have a thing for the bad girls.

1 comment:

Adam said...

I think I still have Denise's autograph somewhere. If I can find it, it is all yours. I stood in line for a while to get it.